Tuesday, September 21, 2004

her: ...or they vibrate the inside of the leather to keep it warm, from friction. I'm making that up.

me: Sounds nice...um...so...

her: So, "let's not talk about your music," (in sarcastic tone mimmicking...I don't know who).

me: ...um...

her: Just kidding... you remind me of Sam...he reminds me of Sam.

me: I remind you of Sam? Who's Sam? I always remind somebody...

her: ...and Marco...

me: ...I always remind people of somebody else which is really odd and weird to go through life that way.

her: ...and a friend of ours, an acquaintance of ours, that we liked who passed away, um, I am trying to think of his last name, Robert Bingham (again, not sure of the spelling).

me: I'm sorry to hear that. (said while she is still talking).

her: ...he's a writer, you may have heard of him.

me: Really, I am an aspiring writer as well.


thomas said...

hey, check out all these changes. cool, eh? except i lost all the previous comments in the change over. though few, they were cherished. i'll miss you blog comments, do visit again. regards - thomas

sqrl said...

looks nice hunter.
i'll get an addy to ya for the tunes. not too familiar with pedro the lion. also for the quadratrack shit.
robert bingham's a decent writer. i'll loan ya his books.
was this the night with cat power? i remember you showing this article to me a ways back and thinking that it must have been awfully fucking stuffy in that rig.

thomas said...

marqui de sardonic, cool, send me addy and i'll send you pedro. yeah, interview with chan, it was sort of like a bake session in a car...but without the weed, if that makes any sense at all.